Love and Relationship

The concept of love has been tied to numerous disciplines throughout the ages. Whether it be religion, psychology, biology, or one of the many creative mediums, love has undergone constant reinterpretation and redefinition, though none of the aforementioned paradigms ever seems to completely grasp the totality of what can easily be considered one of the most significant and powerful forces known to humankind.

The ‘one’ we love is usually our chosen intended life partner, whether that is our husband or wife or long-term lover. They are the one person we expect to be our companions through all of life’s highs and lows. There are many reasons why relationships break down, but there are three main ways to reduce the risk of this occurring.

1. Be honest, loyal and bursting with pride

The one you love has reached this blessed position because they are special to. This can sometimes be forgotten, within the day-to-day flows of life. If you do start to lose track of all the beauty within your partner, sit for moment and reexamine what made you fall in love with that person in the first place. Go down memory lane and learn to re-engage those emotions and passion. Recognize all the little gifts they give you throughout the years and how much happiness they have brought to your life. If they have stopped doing nice things for you, maybe it is because you stopped being appreciative. Thank them for the little things and watch them get happier and return the favor; making you both feel more appreciated.

In addition to this, nagging and criticizing is not in the least bit sexy or bond-building. Make sure you say more good things about them, both to their face and to others, avoid the bad things. Your partner looks to you for respect, kindness and a supporter against the rest of the world. Always make them feel you are a safe harbor and someone to turn to. Be proud of their achievements and encouraging of their aspirations and life’s desires.

2. Remember birthdays, other special dates and the things that make them smile. You don’t have to spend a fortune to commemorate the milestones and just- because-I-love-you’s in life.

3. Keep interesting and attractive

Your life does not stop when you get married or are in a long-term relationship. If you may put on a bit of weight (happiness can expand the waistline) but still wear attractive clothes and try to remain healthy. Make an effort to still dress up, take each other out on dates to spend time away from the daily grind – if you have kids get a babysitter. Make sure you have one or two hobbies and friends that are not shared so that you have something to talk about other than the family or work commitments. You want to continue being an inspiration, flirtation and fascination. We all deserve someone interesting and attractive to come home to, and great self-esteem is very sexy.
Summary, always treat the one you love the way you would like to be treated just apply the golden rule. If you keep approaching the needs and desires of both yourself and your partner in a respectful and accommodating way within the relationship, you will not go wrong; and the one you love will be happy and with happiness comes sex, love and positive relationship. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings and dialogue.